Sons of the American Revolution Enhanced JROTC Cadet Award
Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 24, 2022
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The Bethabara Chapter of Winston-Salem, Sons of The American Revolution (SAR), has selected Makayla Beard as the winner of the chapter’s Enhanced JROTC Cadet Award. Beard, a junior at Mount Tabor High School, serves as JROTC battalion sergeant major and the district brigade sergeant major. Her aspirations are to become a chemical or nuclear engineer.
As the winner of this prestigious SAR award, Beard received a $100 check, a bronze medal on a bronze wreath medallion with neck ribbon, framed bar with a bronze star, and a certificate from the Bethabara Chapter at its March 10 meeting.
To become eligible for this Enhanced JROTC Cadet Award, Beard was required to be a junior in high school, rank academically in the top 25% of her high school class, and in the top 10% of the JROTC cadets. In addition to the preceding, Beard was required to demonstrate patriotism, leadership and military bearing. She was also required to write a 500-to-700-word article on “How JROTC has prepared me to be a better citizen of the United States of America.”
Beard now qualifies to compete on a SAR North Carolina state level with that winner receiving a $600 cash award plus $150 for expenses to travel to the North Carolina SAR Annual Convention, a silver framed ribbon bar containing a silver star for the Minuteman Medal drape, and a certificate recognizing their achievement. The cadet selected will then be sponsored by the North Carolina State SAR at the national competition.
The selected Outstanding SAR Cadet in the Nation will receive a gold presentation medallion on a neck ribbon, a gold framed ribbon bar and a gold star for the medal ribbon drape, a cash award of $1,000, and the National SAR Society will provide up to $1,000 in travel expense funds for the cadet to attend the National Society’s Congress in July to receive their award and be recognized by the Sons of the American Revolution.
Anyone interested in information about the SAR Bethabara Chapter, or the SAR can contact Bill Ewalt at 763-229-9493 or visit the website at