Trinity Elms resident celebrates 105th birthday

Published 12:08 am Thursday, January 4, 2024

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CLEMMONS — Lindsay Tise was born on Dec. 28, 1918, on Country Club Road in Winston-Salem. It was home birth and Papa and Laura were delighted.

Tise grew up skating, playing marbles and baseball. He attended R.J. Reynolds High School and prepared to go to school for electronic repair. His father owned a bottling plant on the corner of Liberty and 25th St. Lindsey often went there to repair things and one day something very special happened while he was there.

A young girl caught his eye as she walked back and forth in front of the glass area in front of the machines. After several passes in front of the glass they made brief eye contact and that was all it took. He asked his brother about this young woman, and he assured him that he knew her and would introduce them. After that, the rest is history. They married and he and Frances lived in Newport News.

Tise checked the loads on ships for weight and balance so they would be seaworthy and not list from side to side. A man of many experiences he also worked for a contractor in Newport News for a while. Soon, they would return to Winston-Salem and start a family. They had two sons and were very happy.

Later, Tise began to caddy for some of the golfers at Forsyth Country Club. It wasn’t long before he became interested in the game and started playing himself. He and Frances had started attending Fairview Moravian Church. That is where he met Eddie Hubbard, and they soon were great friends and golfing buddies. They played almost every week and were playing together just this past July. Some of his other accomplishments include gold medalist in the National Senior Olympics four times. Tise has had a full and successful life. He loved his wife, and she loved him. They took care of each other and Tise says that is why he has lived so long.

His final career was working at Bocock Stroud in the appliance department, selling many people their first TV, knowing that if they ever needed it fixed, he was the man for the job.

“Tise is quite a gentleman, and would you believe he is older than sliced bread,” said Diata B. Albert, an assistance living administrator at Trinity Elms. “After all, sliced bread did not come about until 1923. Trinity Elms Assisted Living is blessed to have Tise with us. It is not like you meeting someone turning 105 years old every day.”