Letter to the editor — Aug. 1

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 1, 2024

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Our very own Thomas Jefferson

Where is Thomas Jefferson when you need him? Remember him? His sense of curiosity led him to chase after some pretty tough subjects including philosophy, architecture, law and government. As a polymath, our third president brought his many gifts to bear on behalf of our country at a critical time. Every time we see the thoughtful, bang-up job he did on the Declaration of Independence, we see proof of that.

Can you imagine if we had someone as knowledgeable, eloquent and skilled as Jefferson helping us right here in Forsyth County during this critical juncture? Think what a difference it would make to have a leader in our community who is abundantly capable of navigating and negotiating the expanding (some might even say exploding) development that affects our lives in so many ways.

We are lucky. We do have someone like that in our midst. Luckier still, he is willing to help in the capacity of Forsyth County commissioner. I am talking about Gray Wilson. Like Jefferson, he is well-read, well-written and well-spoken. He has lived and worked in our community for decades. He genuinely cares about the safety, education, and the future of every citizen in our community. Look him up. Talk to him at one of his many events. You’ll see.

It’s not often we are offered the best of the best to help shape the present and our future. If we elect Gray Wilson for county commission this November, that is exactly what we will be getting.

— Brett Nelson,