How Titans are spending their Labor Day

Published 12:06 am Thursday, September 5, 2024

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By Lena Pearson 

For the Clemmons Courier

CLEMMONS — With the beginning of September, the Titans look forward to cooler weather and a bit of time away from school before another month on campus. After the first three weeks of the school year, students enjoy their Monday off to put studying aside and celebrate Labor Day weekend.

Some Titans are taking this three day break to relax, while others are squeezing in a final beach vacation while the water is still warm. 

“I have my cousin’s wedding this weekend in Hilton Head and my family is making a little Labor Day weekend vacation out of it. We’re staying in a resort and really just enjoying the beach weather for the next three days,” junior Olivia Hutchison said.

The long weekend also allows for students to spend time with friends and family who are in town for the holiday.

“I’ll be spending time with my family and friends and hopefully not working too much,” senior Cali Merritt said. “Since it is only the third week of school, I don’t have a whole lot of homework, so I’m taking the time for myself and my loved ones for the long weekend.”

Many are grateful for the Monday off, giving the Titans time to catch up on relaxation and personal hobbies that are often put second to schoolwork during the week. 

“I’m excited for the fact that I can have fun and do things like play basketball with no worry of school,” senior Tristen Davis said.

Meanwhile senior drummer Zaren Saddler said, “I’m looking forward to just sleeping in and spending time with my friends. I’ll probably work on playing some music too.”

Although school has only been in session for a few short weeks, the Labor Day weekend is needed and well appreciated by many at the start of the year.

“I’m definitely liking the short break this early in the school year. I think it’s good to have a small harmless day off this early since the beginning of the year is often the most stressful for some,” Hutchison said.

Whether the time off is spent in social gatherings with friends or in the comfort of your own home, many students plan to have an enjoyable Labor Day weekend. Following the break, the Titans will prepare for a fresh start in September, heading on to campus well-rested thanks to their time off from school.