Titan Tattler: Club Rush

Published 12:07 am Thursday, September 26, 2024

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By Lena Pearson 

For the Clemmons Courier

It goes without saying that some activities at school are more known than others, with athletics often drawing larger crowds than any given club meeting. However, West provides an opportunity for every extracurricular to gain more participants and have their moment in the spotlight. Just this past Thursday, the Titans hosted the annual Club Rush, an event where students can represent their clubs, recruit new members, and explore the various activities that West has to offer.

The event was a success, with a regular stream of students making their way to the scene during their lunch periods. Dozens of Titans represented their clubs with crafty posters and stands, plastered with information and encouragement for their peers to join new activities.

Being home to a handful of long-standing clubs with significant membership, some extracurricular groups at West are often overlooked. Students who created their own clubs were grateful for the opportunity to showcase their group at Club Rush and recognize how the event will help their activity grow.

“My close friend and I created the Titan Trekkers, a hiking club at West. We had a really positive experience at the club fair and many people signed up. We were able to talk to students from our table as soon as they walked in and they were convinced to join,” junior Olivia Hutchison said. “I think the event is very beneficial to every club and I definitely enjoyed being a part of it.”

To many Titans, Club Rush is a crucial event in the first quarter of the year that allows students to get a feel for the activities available to them around campus. With the ability to talk to current members and learn about certain clubs, making a choice of what to join is made much easier. 

“I think that the Club Rush is a really good thing that West does because a lot of people don’t visit the school website to see what clubs we have, so going to the event and being able to see everyone gives you an idea of who is running certain activities and what they’re like. It allows for students to visually learn what a club is about rather than just hearing its name,” senior Garrin Reiter said.

Participating in a new activity can open a number of doors, including making friends with shared interests and having a creative outlet apart from academics. For the individuals unsure of what to join or the ones simply in the market for a new hobby, the event led many Titans to the perfect activity for them. 

“The Club Rush helps people know the variety of clubs that are offered and what club they would fit the best in based on their interests. It helps students feel like they belong and allows clubs to gain more like-minded members,” sophomore Rocco Tate said. 

This year’s Club Rush was yet another success, benefiting curious students and club leaders alike. All Titans are encouraged to participate in one of the various extracurriculars on campus, with the perfect club available for nearly every student.